Sunday, July 3, 2016

12 Steps to Freedom


My name is Emma and I am a foodaholic.


But in all honesty I do have a food addiction.

And so with the help of my Heavenly Father and some really amazing friends I have started the Addiction Recovery Program.


But honestly truly, this program is divinely inspired and I know that to be true. 
The 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous has been adapted into a framework of the doctrines, principles and beliefs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 

So, in my usual, probably too honest way, I am going to talk about the Addictions Recovery Program and its steps as I go through the program.

I am sharing this for a few reasons.

First- I am not the only one. 
For some of you reading you also struggle with food addiction, in the LDS church it is a common problem. 
For others it is pornography.
Sex addiction.
Drugs, illegal or prescription. 
Cell phones.
There are a million things you can become addicted to.
And in this day and age Satan is working so hard to keep us from staying on the path, and to distract us and tempt us and lead us away from our Heavenly Father.

Second- Everyone should read the ARP manual.
If you are going on a mission you should read it. I guarantee there will be someone you meet on your mission who is struggling with an addiction and you will be able to help them more because you know the program. 
If you are a regular human being just living your life, you should know the ARP manual. Because either you, a family member, friend, person in your ward, coworker, classmate, person you are yet to meet, someone has an addiction. 
And because you know the program and know the steps you will be able to provide not only hope and encouragement but also genuine assistance.

I start Step 2 tonight and will be posting soon about Step 1.

God speed and Good luck with the trials you have facing you in your lives.
Through Christ's atonement any sin can be forgiven, any fault can be repaired, and any damage you have caused can be healed through Him.

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