Friday, July 15, 2016

Goodbye Lies

Step 1: Honesty

In the Addiction Recovery Program step 1 is HONESTY.
The Key Principle is to admit that you, of yourself are powerless to overcome your addictions and that your life has become unmanageable.

Who would want to admit that?
Who would ever want to admit that they had screwed up their life? 
That the agency that they were given they had used unwisely, and they were now powerless?
Who wants to admit they failed?

Not me said the flea.

But when you are broken, hopeless, past the point of no return, incapable of change etc....
What else is there to do but admit defeat?

Step 1 talks about how many of us began our addictions out of curiosity, some became involved because of a justifiable need for a prescription drug and some out of an act of rebellion. 
Many began this path when barely older than children. 
It goes on to say that, "Whatever our motive for starting and our circumstances, we soon discovered that the addiction relieved more than just physical pain. It provided stimulation or numbed painful feelings or moods. It helped us avoid the problems we faced–or so we thought. For a while, we felt free of fear, loneliness, discouragement, regret or boredom. But because life is full of conditions that prompt these kinds of feelings, we resorted to our addictions more and more often. Still, most of us failed to recognize or admit that we had lost the ability to resist and abstain on our own."

Just take a moment and think about what was said in the above paragraph. 
And think about those you know who struggle with addictions.
And consider being a bit more charitable to those who are ensnared. 

Now listen to this quote from Elder Russell M. Nelson, 
"Addiction surrenders later freedom to choose. Through chemical means, one can literally become disconnected from his or her own will."

Raise your hand if you know what that feels like or know someone who that sounds like.

(Also why does she have only 3 fingers and a thumb? Kinda weird looking....)

Rarely do people caught in addictive behaviours admit to being addicted. 
To deny the seriousness of our condition and to avoid detection and the consequences of our choices we tried to minimize or hide our behaviours.
We did not realize that by deceiving others and ourselves, we slipped deeper into our addictions.

My sister has an expression for people who are mentally ill or suffer from addictions, or just people she thinks aren't thinking clearly. 

She says that "their perception is distorted."

I completely agree with her on that. 
Like it says above, by hiding our addictions we slip deeper into them.

And for myself I often think, oh it isn't that big of a deal.
I can fix this by myself, I just need time. So I'm just going to lie a little bit, just to cover for a while, so I can fix this.
But I can't as hard as I try.
And so I keep lying. 
And lying.
And lying.
Till it feels like my whole life is a big lie and I don't know how to get out of it or stop lying because I don't even remember where it all started or how I got into this mess in the first place.


In the scriptures it talks about flaxen cords.
(2nd Nephi 26:22 in case you want to look it up in your scriptures)
And basically there are these flaxen cords which are easy to break when it is just one by itself, but as you wrap them around over and over, as you continue lying, continue in your addiction, and never stop and break the flaxen cords they get tighter and tighter, until one day it is tied too tight for you to do anything about it. 

The flaxen cord is now a chain that you by yourself are not strong enough to break.

We could no longer hide our addictions by telling one more lie or by saying, "it's not that bad."

And when you get to that point there is one way out of it. 
You have to admit defeat.

Once you realize you can't keep lying to yourself and you look into your past and see all of your mistakes along the way, and you look ahead to what your future will look like if you don't change, it all becomes clear.
The addiction is destroying your life. 

But the amazing thing about that realization is that by admitting you are defeated you can recover.

How can you recover?

Please flip your scriptures open to;
Luke 7:36-50

I know it feels like a lot of verses but seriously, humour me for a minute, this is one of my favourite scripture passages.

You've got to turn to your Saviour.

(Ok, technically turning to your Savior is the third step but it is every single step. I warned you in my last post that I would talk about the Atonement in every post about ARP, and I was not lying.)

I love this woman.
Her humility and love of her Saviour Jesus Christ is something I strive for and want to emulate. 
I am so flawed.
And there is so much I need forgiven. 
But I know that I am not alone in this. 

I need the Atonement every single day of my life. 

And I need you to know something,
There is no way on Earth that I, Emma Noel Atwood, could ever change my life without the Atonement and without the love of my Heavenly Parents and Jesus Christ. 
I have tried and failed for years. 
I have lived helpless for too long.
Until the day came where I hit rock bottom. 
And I stayed there for a while, doomed to remain there forever at only 20 years old.
Finally I rolled out of my bed and onto my knees and I just sat there for a while.
I didn't know what to say.
And so I said sorry, truthfully, heart-wrenchingly apologizing for how bad I had messed up my life.
And I admitted I was trapped. 

And all my problems were solved the end. 

Life doesn't work that way.

I kept praying every day. 
At that point that was all I could do. 
And I gradually got to the point where my broken heart met a contrite spirit. 
Where I was finally ready to think about changing. 
As the months have flown past me I may not have physically changed, but spiritually I have had a serious humbling.
My pride got smacked down so hard I am unsure it will ever recover, and I don't want it to.

I came home from school 7 months ago.
And I still am months away from going on a mission. 
But I am so grateful that God will never give up on me. 
He has promised that.
He will never ever, no matter what I do or how far I wander, give up on me.

I am doing the work though.
The Action Steps for Honesty is be willing to abstain, let go of pride and seek humility, and admit the problem, seek help, and attend meetings.

Thanks for reading guys. 

Update: Read this talk. Seriously, I am mind-blown.
Sheri Dew is #goals

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Intro to ARP

What on earth am I doing awake?

I went to the Nashville Tribute Band concert (amazing by the way) and got home at 11 pm.

Obviously I went straight down to my room to go to sleep.

Read my scriptures.
Put on pjs.
Washed off my makeup.
Climbed into bed.
Couldn't fall asleep.
So I got up. 
Laid out my work clothes for tomorrow.
And my exercise clothes.
Read my scriptures some more.
Put lavender oil in my diffuser to make me sleepy.
Cleaned my room.
Made my bed.

Here I am.

Writing a blogpost. 

If this doesn't succeed in quieting down my brain and letting me sleep I am going to have to finish reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets which I started this evening,
 and I just don't think I can commit to that with work at 8:30 am.

In my previous blog post I told you that I have started 

Honestly, sometimes I think about all I have said on this blog and just want to never go out again. Because I tell the world everything. 
Want to know my secrets? 
Read my blog. 
And join me in realizing that secrets aren't secrets once you put them on the internet. 

But since I have committed to being so extremely candid with you I will continue telling you about the ARP program and all I am learning, thinking, feeling and experiencing.

In the Introduction to the Addictions Recovery Manual it talks about how through the Atonement of Jesus Christ we are healed. 

I want to focus on that for a minute.

Those of us who live with daily depression, anxiety, fear and debilitating anger can experience joy and peace. 
The power of the Savior can turn our most devastating defeats into glorious spiritual victories. 
And we can witness miracles in our lives and in the lives of those around us who are ensnared in addictions. 

I hate how often I relate to what is said in this manual.
Part of me hoped when I started this program that I wouldn't get anything out of it,
 that I wouldn't relate to anything,
 and that it would be obvious that I didn't need to do this because it didn't apply...
It does.

This manual is written by those who have recovered from their addictions. 
And they speak with experience and truth.
The way they explain how they once thought, and the fact they don't think that way anymore is unbelievable. 

"We have paid an awful price in self-inflicted pain and suffering because of our addictions. But blessings have poured forth as we have taken each step to recovery. Having had a spiritual awakening, we strive every day to improve our relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ we are healed."

I've talked about the Atonement a time or two before on this blog.
If you are in my relief society class or have been in a relief society class I have previously taught you have heard me talk about the Atonement. 
If we have every had a spiritual talk you've heard me talk about the Atonement.
That is because everything in the gospel loops back to the Atonement.

(BTW Hugo Montoya is forever the best name)

And I understand on a basic level the Atonement.
And I get how the Atonement applies to everyone else.
I have seen it work in other people's lives.
I know sins can be forgiven. 
Lives can be changed. 
Hope can be found.
Through the Atonement.

But as for applying to my sins?
As for healing me? 


I am not there yet. 
It is something I am working on. 

Especially the enabling power of the Atonement. 

Now I'm not trying to skip ahead to the steps of the program because this blog post is specifically about the 
 Introduction to the Addiction to Recovery Program.

But spoiler: It all goes back to the Atonement.

Like Handel said in The Messiah, 
and you know, Isaiah said in the Book of Isaiah who Handel quoted,
"Through His stripes we are healed."

Before I go deeper into gospel stuff I have a few more things to say. 

Addiction cannot be conquered by willpower alone. Many people become so dependent on a behavior or a substance they no longer see how to abstain from it. These substances and behaviors diminish a person's ability to feel the Spirit. They harms physical and mental health and emotional, social and spiritual well-being. 

Dallin H. Oaks said, "We should avoid any behavior that is addictive. Whatever is addictive compromises our will. Subjecting our will to the overbearing impulses by any form of addiction serves Satan's purposes and subverts our Heavenly Father's... We can avoid addictions by keeping the commandments of God."

As someone who has been there/is there/recovering from there/29 days off sugar/still has food addiction/shopping addiction/has no willpower and struggles with an addictive personality/needs addiction recovery for everything, 

I want to testify of something. 

Satan is real.
And his plan in Heaven, the plan where he wanted us to be without agency and we would all make it back to Heaven but we wouldn't be able to choose that path, he is still trying to make that work here, minus the heaven part. 
Satan doesn't want us to use our agency.
And he is so cunning and smart.
He is very good at what he does.
He tricks you into thinking you are choosing for yourself, but really you are just giving up your agency.
And you give it up piece by piece until you no longer have control over your life. 

But God is also real.
And Jesus Christ is real. 
Our Savior Jesus Christ died on a cross, bled from every pore in Gethsemane and suffered pains and afflictions of every kind for us, so that we can have hope. 
That through the Atonement we can be healed and our agency can be returned to us. 

I am feeling that slowly but surely. 
Over the years I have given up my agency piece by piece as flaxen cords have gotten tighter and tighter around my wrists.
I have seriously screwed up my life.
And I have lost control.

But I have hope. 

I want to end with a quote from the manual, 
"If you suspect you are addicted and if you feel even the smallest desire to break free, we invite you to join us in studying and applying the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ as they are taught in this guide. We assure you that if you follow this path with a sincere heart, you will find the power you need to recover from addiction. As you apply each of these twelve principles faithfully, the Saviour will strengthen you and you will come to know the truth and the truth shall make you free."

Sunday, July 3, 2016

12 Steps to Freedom


My name is Emma and I am a foodaholic.


But in all honesty I do have a food addiction.

And so with the help of my Heavenly Father and some really amazing friends I have started the Addiction Recovery Program.


But honestly truly, this program is divinely inspired and I know that to be true. 
The 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous has been adapted into a framework of the doctrines, principles and beliefs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 

So, in my usual, probably too honest way, I am going to talk about the Addictions Recovery Program and its steps as I go through the program.

I am sharing this for a few reasons.

First- I am not the only one. 
For some of you reading you also struggle with food addiction, in the LDS church it is a common problem. 
For others it is pornography.
Sex addiction.
Drugs, illegal or prescription. 
Cell phones.
There are a million things you can become addicted to.
And in this day and age Satan is working so hard to keep us from staying on the path, and to distract us and tempt us and lead us away from our Heavenly Father.

Second- Everyone should read the ARP manual.
If you are going on a mission you should read it. I guarantee there will be someone you meet on your mission who is struggling with an addiction and you will be able to help them more because you know the program. 
If you are a regular human being just living your life, you should know the ARP manual. Because either you, a family member, friend, person in your ward, coworker, classmate, person you are yet to meet, someone has an addiction. 
And because you know the program and know the steps you will be able to provide not only hope and encouragement but also genuine assistance.

I start Step 2 tonight and will be posting soon about Step 1.

God speed and Good luck with the trials you have facing you in your lives.
Through Christ's atonement any sin can be forgiven, any fault can be repaired, and any damage you have caused can be healed through Him.