Hi Guys!
Today is a pretty special anniversary for me.
Actually, it is one of the most exciting anniversaries of my life.
One year ago today I received my endowments and went through the temple for the first time.
December 30, 2015
The past week I have been reflecting a lot on what the past year has held.
14 months ago I started my mission papers.
13 months ago I said goodbye to SVU.
12 months ago I entered the temple.
11 months ago I submitted my mission papers.
10 months ago I was waiting for a call.
9 months ago I found out I would have to lose weight before I could go.
7 months ago I quit sugar.
6 months ago I started attending ARP.
4 months ago I relapsed and started eating sugar again.
2 months ago I turned 21.
1 month ago I published my latest blog post.
A lot has happened this year.
As I sat in the temple today I thought about who I was 1 year ago.
Because I came home from SVU broken.
But at the time I had no idea how rock-bottom wrecked I was.
I was still pretending everything was fine.
Honestly, it was months before I even told my parents I had failed that semester.
I came home and I was all gung-ho mission.
Mission. Mission. Mission.
Because I thought my mission would fix me.
Going on a mission won't fix you.
Going on a mission will bring to light all the crazy you fought so hard to hide.
Going on a mission will bring out the crazy.
I've mentioned my Kadee in this blog before right?
She is my kindred spirit.
I left Virginia but she stayed for another semester before leaving on her mission.
And we would facetime multiple times a week.
And we would facetime multiple times a week.
Sometimes multiple times a day.
Yes I did visit her on her mission. It was wonderful.
Anyways, I called her one day in April in complete tears.
Like, this was maximum dramatics.
And she told me to go on a walk and so we went on a walk together her and I.
We got to the temple and I sat down on the lawn and I sobbed as I told her that I wasn't okay.
I need you all to just picture this for a minute.
It was cold.
Not snow cold but like the snot dripping off my chin was probably turning into icicles.
It was cold.
Not snow cold but like the snot dripping off my chin was probably turning into icicles.
And I laid on the grass on the side of the temple.
Curled in the fetal position.
Protected by some trees so no one would see me and ask if I was okay.
Protected by some trees so no one would see me and ask if I was okay.
And I sobbed.
But not only sobbed.
I sobbed into my phone so Kadee could hear my sobs.
I sobbed into my phone so Kadee could hear my sobs.
All the tears.
I had a headache for a day after I cried so much.
It was pitiful.
And she just listened to me.
As I told her that my life was a lie.
That I couldn't fake it anymore.
That I was so unhappy.
That I didn't think there was hope.
And she listened.
But most important, she promised there was hope.
One more picture of her just cause I miss her every day.
In June I finally realized,
(and by finally it should be spelt how I intend it to sound which is fiiiiiiiinnaaaaaaaaaaaallllllyyyyyy)
I finally realized that I couldn't change without my Heavenly Father's help.
Like physically impossible.
Because I had spent years of my life trying to fix myself and being unable to.
Because I had spent years of my life trying to fix myself and being unable to.
But in June I asked for a blessing.
And in that blessing I was promised heaven's help in accomplishing what was previously impossible.
And in that blessing I was promised heaven's help in accomplishing what was previously impossible.
I got a support group.
I quit sugar.
And I started attending the Addiction Recovery Program.
I screwed up a few times along the way.
I don't attend ARP every week.
I've ate a lot of sugar during Christmas break.
And I haven't been progressing for a few weeks.
But in December I look back on the past year.
And I just need to thank God.
Especially for the friendships made/strengthened this year.
Because right here, at this moment at the end of December, I have hope.
I am no longer in denial.
I am working to overcome my 10 year long eating disorder.
I am closer to going on a mission than I have been all year, or really, my entire life.
And I know that in spite of all the trials, all the struggles and thanks to all the lessons learned,
I am becoming the person my Heavenly Father wants me to be.
Since I published my last blog post I have felt such peace.
As I've recognized it and thought about why I realized something.
That was it.
There is no more secrets.
That was it.
There is no more secrets.
No more shame, no more guilt, no more hiding behind my "perfect" mask.
Confession time is over.
After years of pretending and faking it and working my hardest to make sure no one saw my struggles and my shame, in the past year I have shared it all with you.
And now that it is out there I can move on.
I can leave the past in the past.
And I can focus on what is truly important:
Becoming Sister Atwood at last.
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