Before you read this post PLEASE go back and read part 1 of "Submission."
Thank you.
Thank you.
So, the word submission has two definitions.
Part 1 was discussed in my last blog post.
And part 2 is what today's post is about.
Submission=the action of presenting a proposal, application, or other document for consideration or judgement.
Dun dun duh duuuuuuuuuh.
As I talked about in part 1 I have had a solid two years of aligning my will with God's.
And of being more submissive to His plan.
And through getting over a lot of my stubborn, perfectionist pride
I was able to reach a point where I was finally ready to be a missionary.
Strangely enough, obedience is like an important part of being a missionary.
As is humility.
Accepting God's will.
Understanding personal revelation.
And following the promptings of the Spirit.
Which are just a few of the lessons I've learned to get to the point I am at now.
Where I am going on a mission!
Last post I talked about some of the things I've gone through in the past two years
As I have figured out God's plan for me
And gotten better at listening to the Spirit.
But the experiences I have had are what lead me to where I am at now.
At 16 I thought I would be going on a mission at 21.
(This is a picture from the EFY where I realized I was supposed to go on a mission)
At 17 I was sure I would leave on a mission on my 19th birthday.
(Speaking of: When I was 17 I ran for Student Government with 2 of my best friends, Emma & Emma, who I am so excited to join in the mission field in a few months. Emma in Birmingham, England and Emma in Mesa, Arizona.)
At 18 I began realizing that I might have to leave at 19 and a half.
(As I left my family to attend SVU)
At 19 I thought that maybe I wasn't actually supposed to go.
That maybe I had mistaken every prompting and that the Spirit telling me to prepare for a mission
Was really that preparing would lead me to whatever I was actually supposed to do.
And about 2 weeks before my 20th birthday I heard the message loud and clear saying,
"It is time."
(These are the smiles of people who knew my secret before I told anyone else)
I have known for OVER THREE YEARS that I am supposed to serve a mission.
If you missed that whole story you can find a link to it on my first post of this blog.
But I know I am to serve a mission.

Same as I know I have loving Heavenly Parents.

Same as I know that the temple is the House of the Lord.
And there we can learn of Him and make covenants with him.

Same as I know we are here on Earth to be tested and tried.
That we are here on Earth to prove ourselves.
To gain a body.
Same as I know that the Book of Mormon is true!
Same as I know Joseph Smith was called of God.
To be a prophet and restore the gospel in these latter days.
Same as I know that this life isn't it.
That we existed before.
Same as I know that God trusts me.
That someone as weak and anxious and crazy as I,
Someone who has asked him the same question,
"Is it time yet?"
"Can I go on my mission now?"
"Are you still sure I am supposed to go?"
Is someone He has taken the time to mold and grow and mature,
Into someone who can teach and preach and do what missionaries do.
I definitely haven't grown a foot or two since I decided to go on a mission.
But spiritually?
Spiritually I have grown leaps and bounds since that day in August 2012 when I felt the Spirit whisper to me the answer to a question I hadn't dared to voice.
That I was to serve a mission.

Submitting myself to the will of the Lord has changed my life for the better.
I am happier when I follow His plan than any other time.
And I love Him.
So here I am,
Send me.

Photo Creds to my amazing dad.